Saturday, January 16, 2010

old habits die hard

my family came over last night - why is it that family functions almost always equate to overeating? I made spaghetti, homemade sauce that cooked for hours, whole grain organic noodles and cheated last minute and tossed in frozen meatballs (ran out of time). But even with and enormous salad, I still cheated and had a serving of pasta with all the trimmings (no cheese :)I just wonder sometimes if all the work we do on ourselves gets hijaked every time we are with family, there is something so habitual, so comfortable in falling back into old natalie.... hmmm I wonder why that is.oh well onto better things... I guess :0) today I ate the salad :) of course leftovers welcome me everytime I open the fridge ;0)wink


Ak said...

I have the same problem around family. I really have to make a HUGE effort not to overeat around them. But pasta isn't going to kill you- in moderation! :)

Pining for Pinterest said...

I do the same thing!!!

Diane Fit to the Finish said...

It's so easy to do that. But it doesn't sound like you did too bad! One night of a bit more eating than you planned won't ruin anything long term.

She-Fit said...

I hear ya. I'm visiting my family this weekend and I find myself overeating all the time.

Anonymous said...

family gatherings=diet sabotage

Yum Yucky said...

In the end, when we think of family, it won't remind us of how much we overate "that day". It will be about the joy of being with them. So no fretting over meatballs and extra eatings, my dears.

beej said...

Family functions can be super tough! I think, though, that having whole wheat noodles and a big salad probably helped.

Friend of the Bear said...

Hi Natalie. At least you didn't have cheese.

Special occasions or gatherings are marked by feasting. That is just natural human behaviour. Luckily they don't come over every day!

Bearfriend xx