I think a pre-requisite for having kids is being a bit 'out of your mind'. Let's be honest, why would anyone give up disposable income, sleeping in late, afternoon quickies, and setting your own schedule (we won't even discuss the damage to your body - that's a whole other post:) to be ruled by a midget who usually doesn't appreciate your sacrifice?
I DO love my kids but after waiting 1 hour in line to get into the zoo today, and then another 2 hours waiting in lines for Halloween games and prizes - you start to wonder "where did my sanity go?" You'd NEVER have done that for yourself; but here you are, surrounded by other, equally crazy, parents all trudging around for the fleeting satisfaction of your your little ones, the elusive "thank you, mom."
Whether it's the macho tough guy coochie cooing his newborn daughter, dad's jello wrestling in blond wigs for Hannah Montana tickets (don't laugh I saw it with my own eyes), or the busy working mom staying up till the wee hours of the dawn sewing a costume for their tot...
I ask you, why do we do things, buy things, say things, make complete 'you know what's' of ourselves, all for the sake of our kids?
today's update:
sleep: 8 hours (in bed by 11:15)
exercise: hiking around the zoo - and an ab set
water: 50 oz (I have got to find a way to up this!)
8:45 am - Banana
11:30am - homemade potato soup
1:45pm - apple juice
5:15 - Green salad with honey mustard, 4oz steak, small baked pot. with 1/8 cup ranch (went to dinner after the zoo)
8:15pm - apple and 3 mini peanut butter reeses (no - make that 4)
5:15 - Green salad with honey mustard, 4oz steak, small baked pot. with 1/8 cup ranch (went to dinner after the zoo)
8:15pm - apple and 3 mini peanut butter reeses (no - make that 4)
Because when we learn to live for someone else, we finally live. :-)
Because love is stronger than common sense! And because there is no greater gift.
I found living only for myself was boring. Having kids keeps me out of myself and on my toes. I miss the me days sometimes, but most days it's worth the sacrifice. And I do crazy stuff for my kids, too, but only because I want them to be a better version of myself. Fingers crossed.
Hi Natalie. Because they give meaning to life. I don't want to have kids now - not at my advanced age! But I wish I'd had kids in my 20s. To quote Rosanne "We had our kids when we were young and stupid like we're supposed to".
I think you're very lucky to have such a loving family life. Echoing your comment on my blog, they "feed your soul".
It sounds like you had a good day on all levels.
Best wishes,
Bearfriend xx
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